Showing Appointment Options During Shelter in Place Order
As of March 27th 2020, residential real estate is now considered an essential business, with new guidelines and requirements.
We are excited to have the opportunity to work with you and meet you, but we also want to do our part to keep our clients, families, and communities as safe as possible.
If you would like to view a property, we offer three showing methods:
1) Virtual tours or videos provided by the property's listing agent.
2) Remote live video conference with us at a set time via (Facetime, Skype, Zoom, Etc.).
3) A traditional in-person showing appointment following all state mandated social distancing requirements. Those requirements include that:
- You have a written pre-qualification from a lender for the asking price of the property or more.
- You will need to confirm that you are prepared to make an offer on the property should you like it.
- Only 3 people can be present during the showing, including your showing agent.
- We will need to keep 6 feet from one another.
- We will need to avoid touching anything other than what is absolutely necessary when viewing the property.
- We should wear masks and gloves if we have them.
- All parties must confirm that they have not been in contact with anyone showing symptoms of the virus or have any symptoms themselves, prior to arranging the appointment.
- All parties must confirm that they are viewing homes at their own risk.
- We should remember to wash or disinfect our hands when we are done.
- We should discuss the property and any plans to make an offer after the showing is done via phone or other electronic methods.
We know it sounds like a lot, but the requirements want to confirm that only serious prospective home buyers are viewing homes at this time and that every effort is being made to avoid spreading COVID-19.
Our number one priority is keeping our families, communities and clients safe.
If you have any questions, or if you want to proceed with a showing, let us know which option you would like to choose.