I tend to report the medians and averages for the market as a whole because they give us the best indicator of what is happening in general.

With that in mind, it is important to realize that there are cases that occur on the extremes and all along a spectrum.

While our average home price in Placer County in June 2023 was $786,000 and the median was $680,000, there are examples on the extreme that are far above and below that.

On the top end of the market, a home in Loomis sold this June for $4,000,000,

At the bottom end of the market, a condo in Auburn sold for $205,000.

On average, homes sold for their asking price during June, but there are extremes on either side of that too.

A home in Roseville received 35 offers and was bid up 39%…

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Home prices in Placer County reached their most recent peak in April/May of 2022.

Prices then fell between 17% and 19% from that point until January of 2023.

Prices have changed direction again and have risen between January and May by 10% and 13%.

Why have prices risen, while interest rates have remained higher?

The primary reason is that many prospective home sellers have decided to sit on the sidelines and not list their homes.

Per a recent Inman article, 62% of homeowners have interest rates below 4%.


With rates hovering between 6 and 6.5% recently, many home sellers who will become home buyers themselves have decided it makes more…

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